Warmup - Server by Memory

Your job is to use what you have learned and spin up a NodeJs/Express server with a MongoDB that works.
- GET endpoint
- POST endpoint
- PUT endpoint
- DELETE endpoint
- MongoDB name should be
- GET endpoint
- POST endpoint
- PUT endpoint
- DELETE endpoint
- Person model should have a relationship to cars owned. You can use embedded documents or ID-based relationships
Person model should have at least these fields:
_id: "someuniquemongoid",
name: "Jon",
carsOwned: [{ //relationship - cars owned by person
_id: "someuniquemongoid",
make: "Toyota",
model: "Camry",
year: 2005
engine: "V6"
miles: 124235
Car model should have at least these fields:
_id: "someuniquemongoid",
make: "Toyota",
model: "Camry",
year: 2005
engine: "V6"
miles: 124235