Warmup camelCase Write a function that takes a string input (which contains either spaces, underscores, or hyphens/dashes between words, but no combination of the two) and turn it into the camelCase version of that string.
Warmup Array 123 Given an array of ints, return true if the array contains 1, 2, 3 somewhere (in that order). array123([1, 1, 2, 3, 1]); // true array123([1, 1, 2, 4, 1]); // false array123([1, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3]); // false
Problem Solving Problem Solving Problem solving is the most important skill you will take out of this course. Without it, you are not truly a developer. You may have learned to repeat steps shown to you with a few minor changes but if you can't take that knowledge and apply it and mix it
Problem Solving How to Solve It Intro To Solving Problems Programming, particularly web development, is made up of numerous parts that require various bits of knowledge and skill to do. While this course will focus on the concrete skills of web development using JavaScript, AngularJS, Node and MongoDB, There is one skill that transcends all the
Programming Principles Warmup - Racecar Write a function that takes a string and returns true if that string is a palindrome (the same forward and backward) and false if it is not. isPalindrome("bob"); // true isPalindrome("baz"); // false **Extra credit**: Make it so spaces, capital letters, and punctuation don't stop something from being a palindrome.
Problem Solving Warmup - Squirrel Play The squirrels in Palo Alto spend most of the day playing. In particular, they play if the temperature is between 60 and 90 (inclusive). Unless it is Summer, then the upper limit is 100 instead of 90. Given an int temp and a boolean isSummer, return true if the squirrels
JavaScript Merge Sort Using the url below and looking at its explanation and code example, create your own Javascript Merge Sort. Don't find a javascript solution on the Internet. Try and analyze the code in that website to solve the problem. http://interactivepython.org/runestone/static/pythonds/SortSearch/TheMergeSort.html
JavaScript Prime Numbers Write a JavaScript function to get all prime numbers from 0 to a specified number.
JavaScript Warmup - Roman Numerals Write a JavaScript function that Convert an integer into a Roman Numeral in javaScript.
JavaScript Warmup - Greatest Common Divisor Write a JavaScript function to find the GCD (greatest common divisor) of more than 2 integers. Test Data: console.log(gcd_more_than_two_numbers([3,15,27])); console.log(gcd_more_than_two_numbers([5,10,15,25])); Output : 3 5
Exercise Convert Decimal Write a JavaScript function to convert a decimal number to binary, hexadecimal or octal number. Example outputs: console.log(dec_to_bho(654321,'B')); "10011111101111110001" console.log(dec_to_bho(654321,'H')); "9fbf1" console.log(dec_to_bho(654321,'O')); "2375761"
Exercise Filter Search Create an Angular or HTML app that has an search box (input box). You will have an array stored somewhere that has at least 20 words. You can use this array and add/subtract from it as you wish: ['change', 'rack', 'world', 'file', 'cat', 'car', 'baccarat', 'dog', 'window', 'drink', 'computer',
Exercise Compare Dates Write a JavaScript function to compare dates (i.e. greater than, less than or equal to). Your function will take 2 dates as arguments and will console.log whether the first date is >, <, or = the second date. (You can format this however you want by using the actual "greater than"
JavaScript First Non Repeat Write a JavaScript function to find the first non-adjacently-repeated character in a given string. Examples: * "abbbbc" returns "a" because it's the first instance of a character that doesn't repeat adjacently. * "aaaabcd" returns "b". * "aacccddeefg" returns "c".
JavaScript Factorials Write a JavaScript program to calculate the factorial of a number. In mathematics, the factorial of a non-negative integer n, denoted by n!, is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n. For example, 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120
Programming Principles Pokemon List The following exercise should be completed in vanilla JavaScript. Use https://api.vschool.io/pokemon as your url for your XHR request to get the big list of pokemon. It will be easiest to do this is steps: * Step one - get the data * Step two - display the data
JavaScript End of the world! Create a web page with a timer that starts at 20 seconds and counts down to 0. When it reaches 0, display some large text that says, "The end of the world has come upon us" or something of the sort. (Feel free to get creative, too - change the
Programming Principles Forception - Loops within loops Write a function that takes two arrays as parameters. The first array will be an array of people's names, and the second array will be the alphabet. Using a for loop within a for loop, create and return array that looks like this: function forception(people, alphabet){ // your code here
Exercise Alpha & Omega - Multi-dimensional Array Create a multi dimensional array that has 100 grid elements. If the column is an odd number print the Omega symbol: var omega = '\u03A9'; If the column is an even number print the Alpha symbol: var alpha = '\u03B1' The end result should look similar to this: α Ω
Exercise The Princess Is In Another Castle Requirements: * Create a class for a player that has the following properties: * name of type String * totalCoins of type Number * status of type String (options are Powered Up, Big,Small, and Dead) * hasStar of type Boolean (Is a star active?) * setName of type function - Has a parameter called namePicked
JavaScript Vowels & Consonants Create two functions. Each function takes 1 parameter of type String, give it whatever name you want. The first function will return the total number of vowels in a given word. The second function will return the total number of consonants in a given word. Print the result of both
JavaScript Uptown function you up Create three functions using the provided array as an argument. * First function: returns contents of the array, lyrics, to the console as a string, including necessary spaces. * Second function: returns lyrics backwards ("pretty so I'm myself kiss Gotta..."). * Third function: returns a string of just every other word, (e.g.
JavaScript Loops & Arrays Create a function called createEvenArray. It will have 1 parameter called highestNum where you will pass in the highest number that you want to create even numbers up to. Create a for loop inside that function that pushes all even numbers up to that highest number to that array. The
Exercise Function Chaining Create 5 different functions. Each function should print to the console something funny, and then call the next function. Each function should also have 1 parameter. This parameter will be called iteration. Every time you get to the 5th function you should increase the iteration by one, and then pass