Quarter 2 Test

This will be a demonstration of your understanding of the topics covered in HTTP/APIs Level 3 and Databases Level 2. It will consist of a technical interview with an instructor or TA.
Technical interview
The instructor/TA will ask you to answer the following questions:
- Explain what REST is and what the typical RESTful architecture consists of
- Student should be able to write a set of fake documentation for the 4 main HTTP verbs of a hypothetical site, like a recipe organizer
- Explain what URL parameters and query parameters are, and how they're different from one another
- Explain what client-side and server-side rendering means, and how they're different from one another
- Explain the concept of a relational database.
- Explain the concept of a non-relational database.
Successfully answering these questions will pass off:
- HTTP/APIs Level 3
- Databases Level 2
Retaking the test
If for some reason you're not able to pass the technical interview, you will have another chance to pass off this level at a later time in the near future (probably Monday), and will be required to meet with a mentor or tutor to prepare for retaking the test.