Higher Order Components
Higher order components, or HOC's, are simply functions that take React Components as arguments, or return them as values, or both.

Tools: React
Higher order components, or HOC's, are simply functions that take React Components as arguments, or return them as values, or both.
HOC's are useful for making reusable and dynamic components. Consider using them any time a particular functionality or feature occurs in multiple places across an application.
The goal of this post is to demonstrate how HOC's allow you to resuse code for common functionalities shared across on application.
Real-World Example
Visit the Github.com homepage and identify how many different places a toggle effect is used (dropdowns, stars, etc.). If you were to use React, how would you go about building those UI elements? Would you make individual class components that each maintain their own toggled state? That would work, but it would mean a lot of repeated code.
For this tutorial we will emulate the dropdown menu and star button found on Github.com and use a HOC to simplify each component.
Here is a simplified version of the profile dropdown Menu
without an HOC:
class Menu extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
show: true
this.toggleShow = this.toggleShow.bind(this);
toggleShow() {
this.setState(({ show }) => ({ show: !show }))
render() {
const { show } = this.state;
return (
<button onClick={this.toggleShow}>Menu</button>
<nav className={show ? "show" : "hide"}>
<h6>Signed in as Coder123</h6>
<a>Your Profile</a>
<a>Your Repositories</a>
<a>Your Stars</a>
<a>Your Gists</a>
Likewise, here is a Card
component which implements a starring option:
export default class Card extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
starred: false
this.toggleStar = this.toggleStar.bind(this);
toggleStar() {
this.setState(({ starred }) => ({ starred: !starred }))
render() {
const { starred } = this.state;
return (
<h3>My sweet Repo</h3>
<p>My sweet description</p>
<button onClick={this.toggleStar}>{starred ? "Unstar" : "Star"}</button>
Notice how both components use essentially the same state and toggle methods, differing only by name. Instead of repeating ourselves, let's abstract this functionality to one single Toggler
component, which we will then reuse within Card
and Menu
class Toggler extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
on: false
this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);
toggle() {
this.setState(({ on }) => ({ on: !on }))
render() {
const { on } = this.state;
const { component , ...props } = this.props;
const C = component;
return (
<C on={on}toggle={this.toggle}{...props}/>
Note a few things:
- State contains a property called
instead ofshow
. This is just to make it more generic. toggle()
is the generic replacement fortoggleShow()
returns a component calledC
, which is provided through a prop calledcomponent
. This means that any component we want is effectively being 'upgraded' to contain the state and methods ofToggler
Finally, to make this component available everywhere else we are going to write a simple HOC called withToggler
and export it from the same file Toggler
is written in.
The way it works is simple: Given a React component as an argument, return a functional component that returns Toggler
with the component passed as props. You end up with the exact same component as before, just with toggle
and on
as props.
export const withToggler = C => props => <Toggler component={C}{...props}/>
We can now rewrite Card
and Menu
import {withToggler} from "./path/to/Toggler.js"
function Card({ on, toggle}) {
return (
<h3>My sweet Repo</h3>
<p>My sweet description</p>
<button onClick={toggle}>{on ? "Unstar" : "Star"}</button>
//call withToggler with Card as an argument
export default withToggler(Card);
import {withToggler} from './path/to/Toggler.js'
function Menu({on, toggle}) {
return (
<button onClick={toggle}>Menu</button>
<nav className={on ? "show" : "hide"}>
<h6>Signed in as Coder123</h6>
<a>Your Profile</a>
<a>Your Repositories</a>
<a>Your Stars</a>
<a>Your Gists</a>
//call withToggler with Menu as an argument
export default withToggler(Menu)
Compare the refactored Menu
and Card
with the versions from above. The amount of code has been cut in half!
- Look at the sourse code of Redux and React-router and learn how they implement HOC's.
- Come up with your own HOC's for functionalities you use often.
HOC's are functions that take React Components as arguments. They return a new component provided with additional props. HOC's maximize reusability and reduce code redundancy.