Axios in React


Getting data from an API to display in your React app takes a couple steps.

In this lesson, we will see how to use:

  • state
  • an axios call in componentDidMount
  • .map()
    To see a list of Todos from the API

We will start state with an empty array, and then fill that array after the component mounts.


componentDidMount() is a lifecycle method.

For an in depth look at lifecycle methods, check out this article. For now, all you need to know is that your component has a lifecycle. It prepares to mount, it mounts, it updates, and eventually it unmounts.

We need to utilize the method componentDidMount() from the Component class because this is the ideal time make our axios calls.

We would use it like this:

import React, { Component } from 'react'

class Card extends Component {
    componentDidMount() {
        //cool axios and setstate code. 

    render () {
        return <div>jsx</div>

export default Card;
Axios in React Components.

Imagine we have two components. <TodoList />, child of <App />. And <TodoComponent />, child of <TodoList />, grandchild of <App />

Try to build this^^ yourself, but if you get super stuck, you may use the following as an aid

import React from "react";
import TodoList from "./components/TodoList";

function App(){
    return (

export default App
import React from "react";
import TodoComponent from "./TodoComponent"

function TodoList(props){
    return listOfTodosThatWeAreGoingToBuildWithMap

export default TodoList;
import React from "react";

function TodoComponent(props){
    return (

export default TodoComponent

We want our TodoList components to use axios to get our array of todos when the componentDidMount. To do this, we need to change it to a class based components.

Again, the only way you're going to learn this, is if you try it yourself. Go ahead and change your TodoList component to class based. After that, use that componentDidMount method. If you need some help, you can use the following:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import TodoComponent from "./TodoComponent"

class TodoList extends Component{
        return listOfTodosThatWeAreGoingToBuildWithMap

export default TodoList;

Alright. We've laid a great foundation. We now need to use Axios to give us an array, and we need to use that array to build our listOfTodos. This list will be an array of TodoComponents with unique props.

First, let's make an API call in componentDidMount. Try it by yourself. Remember that it's an npm package. So, do the stuff that you need to for npm packages. Also, here is a hint if you've forgotten some of the syntax.


Give it some attempts. If you can quite get it, here it is in all it's glory:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import TodoComponent from "./TodoComponent";
import axios from "axios";

class TodoList extends Component{
        return listOfTodosThatWeAreGoingToBuildWithMap

export default TodoList;

This should console.log our array of todos. Feel free to use your own todos if you're familiar with this cool api.


props are data that are passed down from a parent and don't change once a components renders

state is data that can update.

The reason we need to talk about state, is that we will have an array that starts off empty. In this case, let's call it todos.

We will make a call to an api, while that is happening (asynchronously) our component will render. As the data comes in, our array will change. It will be populated, and our user can then see the data. Because our data is changing, we will need to use state.

Go ahead and throw this constructor method into your Class based component.

constructor() {
        this.state = {
            todos: []


this.state = {} is how we define all the data that we foresee needing to be updated. In this case, our todos Array.


In our render method, let's map over this array (it hasn't been populated) but hopefully we can get our app to not have any errors. Try this one your own. Struggle with it! If you want to test it, you can add an item or two to your state array.

        this.state = {
            todos: [
                title: "Get milk",
                price: "$1.50"
                title: "Fire Subordinate",
                description:"Let them down gently",
                price: "$1.50"

Once that's working, we only need to update state after our API does its thing!!!


We will use this.setState() to change our state.

setState() takes our new state.

It looks like this:


Do not use unless you have tried for a long long time to figure out the bugs and moving parts on your own.

All code for our TodoList.js below

import React, { Component } from "react";
import TodoComponent from "./TodoComponent";

import axios from "axios";

class TodoList extends Component{
        this.state = {
            todos: []


        let mappedTodos =>{
          return <TodoComponent title={todo.title}

        return mappedTodos;

export default TodoList;


When we request data on load, we'll use this technique. Many axios requests will be done at other times as well.

What we need to get use to is maintaining state to reflect the correct data from our APIs. Practice using these techniques to display different kinds of data like arrays, objects, even strings and numbers. We will also need to figure out how to make API calls at different times. After a form submission for a new entry, for example.