Array Filter Exercises

Use the built-in array method .filter() to solve all of these problems

Feel free to copy and paste the function and tests in this assignment.

1) Given an array of numbers, return a new array that has only the numbers that are 5 or greater.

function fiveAndGreaterOnly(arr) {
  // your code here
// test
console.log(fiveAndGreaterOnly([3, 6, 8, 2])); /// [6, 8]

2) Given an array of numbers, return a new array that only includes the even numbers.

function evensOnly(arr) {
  // your code here
// test
console.log(evensOnly([3, 6, 8, 2])); /// [6, 8, 2]

3) Given an array of strings, return a new array that only includes those that are 5 characters or fewer in length

function fiveCharactersOrFewerOnly(arr) {
  // your code here
// test
console.log(fiveCharactersOrFewerOnly(["dog", "wolf", "by", "family", "eaten", "camping"])); // ["by", "dog", "wolf", "eaten"]

4) Given an array of people objects, return a new array that has filtered out all those who don't belong to the club.

function peopleWhoBelongToTheIlluminati(arr){
  // your code here
// test
    { name: "Angelina Jolie", member: true },
    { name: "Eric Jones", member: false },
    { name: "Paris Hilton", member: true },
    { name: "Kayne West", member: false },
    { name: "Bob Ziroll", member: true }
// =>
//[ { name: 'Angelina Jolie', member: true },
//  { name: 'Paris Hilton', member: true },
//  { name: 'Bob Ziroll', member: true } ]

5) Make a filtered list of all the people who are old enough to see The Matrix (older than 18)

function ofAge(arr){
  // your code here
// test
    { name: "Angelina Jolie", age: 80 },
    { name: "Eric Jones", age: 2 },
    { name: "Paris Hilton", age: 5 },
    { name: "Kayne West", age: 16 },
    { name: "Bob Ziroll", age: 100 }
// => 
//[ { name: 'Angelina Jolie', age: 80 },
//  { name: 'Bob Ziroll', age: 100 } ]