Week 1 Exercise - Loops Loops help you reduce your lines of code when performing a task multiple times. Here you will learn how to use some of the different looping structures. Beware of infinite loops! * Write a function that accepts a string as input. Write a loop and add each letter of the string
Week 1 Intro to JavaScript History of Javascript JavaScript was originally created in 10 days by Brendan Eich who was working at Netscape. The language is often confused by non-developers with Java, but they actually have very little in common. Those pushing JavaScript received a trademark license from Sun, but before that the language was
Week 1 Exercise - String Manipulation The purpose of this exercise is to get you comfortable using the terminal with node, npm, and your text editor. You will learn the basics of string manipulation and how to find things on the Internet. Using the NodeJS package readline-sync, create an interactive program that asks you some personal