Vacation Spots Using Props and Map

Feel free to customize the given the array:

let vacationSpots = [
    place: "Meridian, Idaho",
    price: 40,
    timeToGo: "Spring"
    place: "Cancun",
    price: 900,
    timeToGo: "Winter"
    place: "China",
    price: 1200,
    timeToGo: "Fall"
    place: "Russia",
    price: 1100,
    timeToGo: "Summer"
    place: "Lebanon",
    price: 400,
    timeToGo: "Spring"

Use .map() and props to create multiple vacation <Card />s or <Spot />s. Spend some time to design them well.

Extra Credit

  • Change the background color of your card depending on the timeToGo property.
  • Give each card 1, 2, or 3 dollar signs ($) depending on if it's less than $500, less than $1000, or more than $1000