Tech Wish List

My Tech Wishlist

You are going to build a website that displays your technology wish list.

You will have two pages, one that shows your list of desired computer/phone tech, and another list for other tech (ie Surround Sound Systems, Robots, etc).

You will re-use a directive element for each list.

You can use this example project for reference:
Example Project


  • Must use ngRoute and have two views
  • Each view must be in its own folder with an associated controller
  • File structure must be laid out professionally
  • Must have a way to navigate between the two views
  • Must build a restrict: "E" directive that:
  • Displays an item image
  • Shows the item name
  • Shows the item price
  • Must use that directive on each view template
  • (ie Your different view's controllers will pass in the appropriate data into the directives - thus one directive being re-used on multiple pages and showing each page's respective data)
  • Website must be visually pleasing