Postman Practice

For problems #1 and #2, reference the Star Wars API

  1. Use Postman to GET a list of planets.

  2. Use Postman to GET a single person object.

For problems #3 - #6, use the[your_name]/todo endpoint.

  1. Use Postman to POST 3 new todo objects. Run another GET to see them. Use the following template for your JSON body:
  "title": "This is required",
  "description": "This is optional",
  "price": 0, //must be a number
  "imgUrl": "http://path-to-url.jpg",
  "completed": false //must be boolean
  1. GET one single todo using its id property.

  2. DELETE one single todo using its id property.

  3. PUT one single todo using its id property.