
When you hear "Career Prep", where do you think you need to start?

I need to update my resume...

I should probably call around for possible work connections...

I need to practice my interviewing skills...

I don't know where to start at all. If you're like most people, you'll probably think something around this ballpark. Want to know the best place to start? The answer may surprise you but it's actually LinkedIn.

So that's where we're going to start. We'll share why this is a vital first step in the career prep process and provide the tools and guidance you'll need along the way so you can build a professional LinkedIn profile and land that stepping-stone opportunity.

Why Start with LinkedIn?

Think of LinkedIn an an overarching umbrella in your career prep journey. It will become the center hub for everything you'll need in order to put your best foot forward while pivoting into tech.

By focusing on LinkedIn from the beginning, you'll be able to 1) network more confidently, 2) make the resume process pain-free, and 3) make the job searching phase easier down the road.

Introducing the V School LinkedIn Guide - the fastest and easiest way to get a professional LinkedIn profile!


Your Assignment

  1. Sign in to your LinkedIn account or create a LinkedIn profile (if applicable)
  2. Download the V School LinkedIn Guide and use it to make targeted adjustments to your profile. (allow 1-2 weeks for this assignment)
  3. Once you've completed the guide, submit the assignment form.

Do not submit assignment until you've first completed the V School LinkedIn Guide

Your Student Success Mentor will review your profile with you and provide additional recommendations, tips, and tricks to polish it up!